A skin condition in which areas of the skin become red, rough, and sore and make you want to rub scratch them. Eczema is sometimes called Dermatitis.
Who Gets Eczema?
A recent study showed around 26% of people in the UK suffer from eczema and around 20% of those are children.
But the truth is eczema can affect any body.
Causes of Eczema
There are many potential causes of eczema. Often there is a herediary disposition (a family history with much skin or lung disease or allergies can predispose towards eczema). Sometimes it's an autoimmune response which means that the immune system attacks normal cells in your body. Other possible triggers include: weather or seasonal changes, allergies to household products or molds, dust, certain foods (like dairy or wheat), perfumes, metals (like nickel), drugs and vaccines, beauty products (including ingredients like SLS and Parabens). A major trigger for many people is stress. Topical steroids are commonly resorted to by healthcare providers but they, in turn, can cause side effects and unwanted complications. Useful as an emergency stop-gap but not a long term solution. Eczema is sometimes confused with Psoriasis (click here to find out more about psoriasis).
Between 20% and 80% of people have some kind of food allergy.
Some of the most common food allergens include: Dairy products; Peanuts; Eggs: Soy; Wheat; Seafood; Shellfish. If you suspect a food allergy, a food allergy test can confirm this. An elimination diet can work by gradually cutting out foods you suspect of causing symptoms. If an eliminated food doesnt affect symptoms the it can be added back into your diet and another food eliminated.
Fish- salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, sardines
Nuts and Seeds: Flax, chia, walnuts
Fruits: Strawberries, Blueberries, Oranges
Vegetables: Broccoli, spinach, kale, cauliflower
Other: Mushrooms, yoghurt, oats, egg yolks,
I recommend Hemp oil (hemp actually contains Omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids- a more complete profile than fish oil). Essential fatty acids are nutrients not made by the body and must be obtained from certain foods such as oily fish, flax, pumpkin and hemp seeds. Hemp oil is also pleasant-tasting and can be used in a salad dressing. You can even cook with it.
Alternative Therapies
Has a long and very good track record in treating skin diseases such as eczema. The advantage of using homeopathy is that a holistic view of the patient is taken which can get to the root of the cause of the problem; and the remedies, being highly diluted, have no side effects.
Herbal Medicine
Studies show that Chinese Herbs can help patients with eczema, using internal medicine and topical creams.
It is always beneficial to seek help from a qualified professional who can individualise treatement. And seek advice from your medical practitioner before discontinuing standard medication.
You can find a qualified homeopath here:
You can find more information about homeopathy and Jonathan Stallick RSHom here:
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